How Recruiters Can Search Resumes- Fight for the Right Fit

Recruiters succeed where applicant tracking systems (ATS) fall flat. While applicant tracking systems (ATS) can store and filter through resumes in view of coveted aptitudes, they can’t make informed decisions about candidates. Since applicant tracking systems have certain loop holes, recruiters don’t depend entirely upon them for finding new candidates.

Furthermore, recruiters devise an assortment of candidate sourcing tools to search resumes, which have potential. As a job searcher, candidates must analyze their resume against job depictions while applying to jobs across the web. Be that as it may, understanding alternate options in which recruiters search for candidates can help you lead a great job search past applying to promoted positions.

Job boards and career sites

Recruiters frequently depend upon career sites, for example, Career Builder, Dice, and more top brands. Career sites have a huge database containing a plethora of resumes that traverse diverse ventures, skills and experience of candidates applying from diverse geographies. They are a gold dig for recruiters attempting to locate the ideal contender for a part.

Career sites also encourage an inactive way to deal with finding jobs by asking you, the client, to transfer your resume into their database. Resumes put away into their database are then accessible to recruiters and companies who pay for access to search their bank of resumes.


A standout amongst the most well-known sourcing tools nowadays is LinkedIn. LinkedIn makes it simple for recruiters, who normally have a selection process, to search resumes in light of their work history, job title, or skills. One of the essential focal points for recruiters is finding qualified candidates on LinkedIn who might be generally difficult to find since they aren’t actively searching for jobs.

Whether you are a new recruiter or hold plenty years of experience, utilizing the new candidate sourcing tools to search resumes can make your recruitment journey easier, efficient and effective.

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